Membership & Renewal Form
Annual Membership Fees
are $20 per Person or $30 per Family
Thank you for joining Stable Fly Action Group in our fight against this scourge on our families and animals.
Please remember to pay your membership fees of $20 per person to Stable Fly Action Group Inc. Bendigo Bank BSB 633000 Account Number 1260 87790.
Thank you for your support
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Please pay your membership fee via the above link to the SFAG PayPal account or, if you prefer, direct to our account details below
Stable Fly Action Group Inc. Bank Account at Bendigo Bank.
BSB 633-000
Account No. 1260 87790
Reference - Please include Membership Name
Chairman - Bob Wilson
Secretary - Jo Ottaway
Website & Reporting System
Thank you for subscribing to the SFAG Rag. We will add your email address to our distribution list and you can look forward to being on the mailing list for future editions.
Kind regards
Stable Fly Action Group
All Rights Reserved | Stable Fly Action Group